Sunday, March 13, 2011

Update on Charlie Baker

We went to Columbus yesterday to see Charlie.

God is truly good. Your prayers are greatly appreciated and it is so good to see how faithful God is to answer them.

Charlie is doing so much better. He is much more alert and was awake the entire time we were there. His speech is much clearer. He is able to drink liquids without the thickener now.

He is making great progress with his therapy. The Dr. is very pleased that he is progressing so fast.

He was not out of bed while we were there because he had had some nausea and a headache.

When Rick was over to visit him earlier in the week he was able to sit up in his wheelchair and was learning to feed himself with his right hand.

They are planning on releasing him from the hospital on the 17th. He will still have therapy at the hospital every day.

Christy Walker

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