Nine members of the Class of 1948 gathered for lunch Thursday, October 20, 2011 at Carbone’s, 413 N. Tuscarawas, Dover. A card was signed to send to the family of the late Albert A. “Sonny” Nelson Jr. Who died October 3, 2011 in the Veterans Hospital in Marion, IN. There are 16 known deceased from the class of 40. Fourteen still live in the hometown area, six live elewhere in Ohio and four live out of state. The next lunch will be at Chef Ernie’s in Roanoke (Uhrichsville) on Thursday, November 10, at noon. Seated (from left) are Ethel (Marty) Kleski, Lenora (Boughton) Dudgeon, Bill Dudgeon and Don Cable. Standing are Harry Liggett, John Ruseo, John Brown, Dick Fisher and Frank Angelo. {Photo by Judy Fisher).