An open house is planned Sunday to celebrate the 90th birthday of Wanda Kathryn Liggett of Talllmadge who was born September 2, 1818 in Tuscarawas County, the daughter of Clarence and Lucy (Sauers) Riley and was a 1937 graduate of Midvale High School.
Wanda was married October 5, 1940 to Lawrence Liggett, son of Frank and Nora (Penn) Liggett.
The birthday party will be at the home of her daughter, Donna and Rich Prulhiere, 280 Hanna Drive, Tallmadge, OH.
Cards may be sent to Wanda at 488 Greenfield Circle, Tallmadge, OH 44278

Robin L. Malernee of Rancho Cordova, CA, and her father from Canton visited Denning cousin Harry Liggett in Akron on Saturday to talk about Denning family history.
Both are descendants of Alexander and Margaret (Couch) Denning. One of the Denning children was Caroline Denning who married William McDonald Liggett. Another daughter, Adeline Betty Denning, married Ezra Malernee. Both Liggett and Malernee served in the Civil War.
Robin, a native of Canton, was home to attend a high school reunion.

Here's the 2008 Green High School graduation photo for Eddie Thomas Edwards, son of Trisha (Patricia Josephine Friel) Edwards.
Eddie will attend Stark State Colllege of Technology where he will major in networkng and Sciso Securities.