It's official. Here's the marriage certificate.
Tiffani Terazzi, daughter of Joyce and Bill Terazzi of Bullhead City, Arizona, was married Saturday, August 4, 2007, to Mark Andrew Wing of Stanton, CA.
Tiffani and Mark eloped to Las Vegas to wed. The wedding was performed by the Rev. John H. Langford.
Tiffani and Mark are moving into their new apartment today.
Their address is 3099 W. Chapman, Orange, CA 92686 Apt. 146
Click on the image to enlarge for a better view.

These are just three of 191 photos of Cecilia Jane Espenchied, daughter of Zach and Lisa of New Philadphia, which her mother put up in a Kodak Gallery album.
CJ just learned how to crawl about three weeks ago and will be walking soon. She is pulling herself up on everything.
She was dedicated at First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) on March 11, 2007 and baptized at Sacred Heart Church in New Philadelphia on May 6, 2007. Her godparents are Todd and Lisa Thurman, Zach’s uncle and aunt.
Cecilia Jane was born October 4, 2006 at Union Hospital in Dover.
Click on these photos to enlarge for a better view.
Click on the headline to go to the photo album. If you have trouble with the link, write for an invitation to